HMAS Harman Mechanical piping

Axis Plumbing on Behalf of  fredon Air pty ltd  undertook mechanical piping works on the HMAS Harman  project  ACT . The mechanical piping of these works included, New Plant room, Data Hall cooling , chilled water storage tank pipework

The project was completed in a very short time frame with regards to the amount and size of services installed. The overall duration just under 9 months in which time Axis installed in excess of 3.5 kilometres of pipe ranging in size from 15mm diameter up to 350mm diameter and peaking at a total labour force of 55 men. The project was unconventional in its sequencing which placed pressure on time frames and meant that prefabrication was pivotal to the delivery and success of the installation.

Key Mechanical components on HMAS Harman Mechanical Pipe-wok projectt:

  • Chilled pipe work
  • Heating water pipework
  • Large Bore spiral copper installation